Leadership Lessons from Harvard GSAS Dean

Join us for a reception and conversation on leadership with Dr. Emma Dench, Dean of the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS)

The Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and the Harvard Club of Seattle invite you to gather with local Harvard alumni in Seattle for a reception and lecture on "Leadership Lessons: From Ancient Rome to Harvard GSAS," featuring Dr. Emma Dench, Dean of the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.


Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 


     Registration:  6:00 pm

     Program:  6:30 pm

     Reception:  7:30 pm

Location: Washington Athletic Club, Noble Room

Address: 1325 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98101

Price:  Click here to purchase tickets

     Members, GSAS grads, and recent grads ('14-'19):  $15

     All other Harvard alumni and guests:  $20

For questions, please email gsaa@fas.harvard.edu.

This is a partner event, co-sponsored with the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.